We love our profession and take great pleasure in providing supervision and consultation for those seeking external support in their professional development. Jody often supervises folks newer to the social work field to assist them in obtaining their RSW and Heather is an Approved Clinical Supervisor for those with social work backgrounds pursuing their Clinical designation.
Heather's approach to supervision and consultation considers multiple intersections of identity, and a strong Intersectional feminist pedagogy. She is passionate about discovering creative ways to help ensure folks step into their most authentic selves as clinicians and is currently pondering ways to disrupt traditional learning spaces. She believes in providing and adapting learning tools and strategies to help folks learn in the way that is right for them.
Both Jody and Heather occasionally teach in the post-secondary setting and are grateful for how it keeps them up to date on current research, interventions and socio-political contexts. We consider it a gift to be able to journey with students as they learn and integrate in this field.
Heather's approach to supervision and consultation considers multiple intersections of identity, and a strong Intersectional feminist pedagogy. She is passionate about discovering creative ways to help ensure folks step into their most authentic selves as clinicians and is currently pondering ways to disrupt traditional learning spaces. She believes in providing and adapting learning tools and strategies to help folks learn in the way that is right for them.
Both Jody and Heather occasionally teach in the post-secondary setting and are grateful for how it keeps them up to date on current research, interventions and socio-political contexts. We consider it a gift to be able to journey with students as they learn and integrate in this field.